Nine Days at Arnhem Canadian Officers - Under the Canloan Scheme - In the 7th (galloway) Battalion the King's Own Scottish Borderers Mint
In the latter part of 1943, the British Army High Command realised that there was a shortage of Junior Infantry Officers and it was decided to ask for volunteers from the Canadian Army to serve temporarily with the british Forces. Nearly 700 Canadians volunteered to serve under a scheme which became known as CANLOAN.
This limited edition book looks at the actions of a small group of CANLOAN Officers who by either accident or design ended up serving with the 7th Battalion The Kings's Own Scottish Borderers. This unit in 1944 was part of the 1st Airlanding Brigade of the 1st Airborne Division and was destined to be thrown into the firestorm of Arnhem, the fateful attempt in September 1944 to sieze a crossing over the River Rhine and hopefully end the war in 1944.
Out of 760 men (including 10 CANLOAN Officers) of the 7th Battalion who went to Arnhem by glider, only 74 were evacuated across the Rhine at the end of the battle, and this book details the fighting there and woven in are the stories and experiences of the CANLOAN Officers. This book complements the author's previous work 'Off at Last' but enables the reader to look more closely at the actions of the Canadians in the 7th KOSB.
First edition 2004
Written by Robert N. Sigmond
Code: 58210