British (Airborne)  Economy i.e. Plastic Glider Pilot Cap Badge Near Mint Condition- British (Airborne)  Economy i.e. Plastic Glider Pilot Cap Badge Near Mint Condition- British (Airborne)  Economy i.e. Plastic Glider Pilot Cap Badge Near Mint Condition- British (Airborne)  Economy i.e. Plastic Glider Pilot Cap Badge Near Mint Condition-

British (Airborne) Economy i.e. Plastic Glider Pilot Cap Badge Near Mint Condition-

British (Airborne) Economy i.e. Plastic Glider Pilot Cap Badge (AAC).
The Army Air Corps (AAC) was first formed on 21 December 1941 as the overall corps for The Parachute Regiment and The Glider Pilot Regiment. Later in the war the Parachute Regiment was issued with their wings and the Glider pilots retained the The Army Air Corps badge. In near mint condition.

Code: 58329
